
Our management : Pilz

In 2017, Susanne Kunschert and Thomas Pilz took over the management of the company from their mother Renate Pilz, who had managed and shaped the business for several decades.

They continue to manage the company with respect, based on lived corporate values. In order to help shape the history of safe automation and stay informed about new trends and developments, they are active in many associations and research cooperations.

In 2017, Susanne Kunschert and Thomas Pilz took over the management of the company from their mother Renate Pilz, who had managed and shaped the business for several decades.

They continue to manage the company with respect, based on lived corporate values. In order to help shape the history of safe automation and stay informed about new trends and developments, they are active in many associations and research cooperations.

Thomas Pilz manages the employees in IT, Purchasing, Research and Development, Quality Management and Production. He is on the Board of Directors of the German Mechanical Engineering Industry Association (VDMA) and is Chair of the Advisory Board of the German Research Society for Automation and Microelectronics (DFAM). He is also a member of the Supervisory Board at Esslingen Technical Academy (TAE) and Chair of the Board of the Institute for Microelectronics Stuttgart e.V.

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